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Unidos Nueva Alianza Foundation (UNA) was founded by 5 women of different ages and nationalities, with the same purpose of helping the immigrant community.  Their primary objective was to help immigrant/refugee and Latinx community members. Especially those of underrepresented and rural communities who are low-income. With time UNA has expanded from one county to nine to provide more services and resources to the communities they are part of, such as Hispanic/Latinx, immigrants, refugees, agriculture/farm workers, women & men, LGBTQ+, low-income, disabled, and systemically marginalized and underserved communities.

Mission: Unidos Nueva Alianza, Foundation protects and promotes the rights of immigrants, Latinx, and underrepresented communities. We work together with underrepresented communities in their development and support through advocacy, education, and health.


Vision: UNAF wants to eliminate systemic injustice and create inclusive communities.


Principles: Community, Health, Education, Advocacy, and Solidarity


Marichuy Alvizar


Born in Visalia, California, and raised in Central Washington, my upbringing is rooted in the pursuit of the American dream. As the child of immigrant parents one from Michoacán and the other from Jalisco I, Marichuy Alvízar, represent the rich cultural tapestry of Mexicana-Americana heritage. This background implanted in me a profound sense of identity and a commitment to preserving traditions while striving for progress. Now, as a bilingual community leader and organizer and the proud first Executive Director of Unidos Nueva Alianza, I continue to honor my roots while advocating for marginalized communities and promoting inclusivity.


My passion for advocacy and community empowerment comes from a lifelong commitment to helping others, particularly those within my raza. Observing the needs in my community firsthand, I founded Unidos Nueva Alianza (UNA) to address the challenges faced by the immigrant-Latinx community. As a community leader and organizer, I understand the barriers individuals encounter when seeking assistance or voicing their concerns. Through UNA, I work tirelessly to develop the organization and uplift our community through initiatives spanning advocacy, education, and healthcare.


My journey is a testimony to the resilience and strength found within immigrant communities. By leveraging my experiences and cultural heritage, I strive to ensure that marginalized, underrepresented, and low-income communities receive the support and representation they deserve. As we navigate the difficulties of social justice and equity, I remain persistent in my commitment to amplifying voices, fostering solidarity, and effecting positive change within our communities.




Cristina Laureano

Mi nombre es Cristina Laureano nací en Visalia, California fui criada en el centro de Washington, haciendo Ephrata, WA mi hogar. Vengo de padres migrantes que vinieron a los Estados Unidos a seguir su sueño americano. 


Como parte de esta organización, quiero participar en el desarrollo de la organización y tener eventos que ayuden a la comunidad y asegurarse que las comunidades olvidadas y que son de bajos recursos puedan contar con beneficios. Así poco a poco lograremos que ciertas comunidades logren triunfar.

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Lourdes Medina

Mi nombre es Lourdes Medina. Soy nacida en Michoacán. Llegue en el 1999, tengo 3 hijos.  Soy parte de Unidos Nueva Alianza, Foundation porque es una organización con la misión y visión que tienen que es ayudar a la comunidad de bajo recursos y apoyarlos en las necesidades que tengan. Siendo parte de UNAF un cambio que quiero ofrecer es educar a la comunidad de que no haiga injusticia en los trabajos de campo.

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Zoila Reyna

Zoila Reyna Corona

Zoila, a Co-Founder of Unidos Nueva Alianza Foundation was a great leader that gave so much to the communities she served. She was always making sure that she always provided her best.

In 2019, she began volunteering for Wenatchee for Immigrant Justice. While volunteering, she saw that there is a great need in our communities. The idea of ​​creating a group that focuses on helping immigrant, Latinx, and marginalized communities in Grant County, the group became known as Latinos Unidos Grant County (LUGC). With time, LUGC grew and expanded under the leadership of Zoila, now Unidos Nueva Alianza, Foundation serving 9 counties. Zoila served as the Events Coordinator.  Sadly, Zoila has passed. She not only left the community that loved her so much but also her family.

As a Mother, Zoila was a pillar of strength and love to her 2 young children, Sofia and Nicolas.  She loved her kids dearly as they loved her and now greatly miss her.


“UNAF is something inexplicable, I feel a lot of emotions to be able to help people and my communities.” -Zoila Reyna



Rafaela Salas

Mi nombre es Rafaela Salas, soy originaria de México, lo que me motivo a mi hijo Jesus Zepeda-Salas a pertenecer a Latinos Unidos Grant County que es hora Unidos Nueva Alianza, Foundation.  Fue a raiz de una detencion de mi esposo por inmigración en el 2015 estando él detenido por varios meses, nos dejo con mucha incertidumbre, una economía muy mala a raiz de su detención, por eso nos organizamos, por que queriamos que ubiera un grupo que fuera de ayuda para los inmigrantes, y lideriado por inmigrantes, con la unión de otras culturas y ciudadanos también siempre me a gustado ayudar al necesitado, y mi hijo a a aprendido a no cayarse las injusticias y buscar ayuda para los demás.

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